August 23, 2024Kittelson LLC Welcomes Troy Rother

Troy Rother joins us a transportation engineer with extensive knowledge in the application of the standards for signage, striping, and construction zone deployment as well as the evaluation of traffic signals, multi-way stops, sight-distances, and roadway geometrics. Troy is a licensed Professional Civil Engineer in Texas and Louisiana, and is a certified Professional Traffic Operations Engineer. Additionally, he is highly qualified in the application and understanding of the Texas Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (TMUTCD), the American Association of State and Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO) A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets.

He has been in the field of transportation engineering since graduating from Texas A&M University with a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering in 1997. After earning his undergraduate degree, he entered graduate school at Texas A&M University and began working at the Texas Transportation Institute (TTI) as a graduate research assistant. At TTI, he assisted with various research projects and coauthored a document regarding the benefits of Intelligent Transportation Systems.

Once he completed the requirements for a Master of Engineering in Civil Engineering in 1999, he began working for Wilbur Smith Associates (WSA) in Houston, Texas. During his time at WSA, he completed traffic signal design projects, conducted capacity analysis studies, developed roadway planning models, and evaluated at-grade railroad crossings. These tasks were completed for local, state, and federal governments.

Troy sought opportunities to move back to College Station, Texas, where he began working for the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). While working at TxDOT, he observed overlay projects, assisted in roadway surveying, and designed several roadway-construction plans. These designs included developing roadway cross sections, roadway alignments, and layouts for temporary traffic control, construction phasing, drainage, signage, and striping.

After approximately three years with TxDOT, he began working for the City of College Station, Texas, as the City Traffic Engineer in 2003. During his tenure with the City, he designed and reviewed numerous traffic control plans for roadway projects, developments, and special events. He also managed the City’s Redlight Camera Program and Traffic Calming Program. After five years with the City of College Station, he was promoted to manage the Traffic Engineering division within the Public Works Department. Four years later he was promoted and began managing two additional divisions: Traffic Signals and Traffic Signs & Markings.

In 2013, he managed a $4.5 million project to overhaul the entire traffic signal system for the City of College Station which included purchasing and installing all new signal equipment, central system software, communication systems, pan-tilt-zoom cameras at the intersections, and building a traffic management center. Within the traffic management center, automated traffic signal performance measures (ATSPM) software was also installed so the operation of each traffic signal could be monitored and optimized.

During his time at the City of College Station, he served on or was a member of several national committees, including:

  • National Cooperative Highway Research Program, Project 03-122: Performance-Based Management of Traffic Signals (NCHRP 03-122), 2017-2018
  • Pooled Fund Study TPF-5(377) Traffic Signal Systems Operations and Management – PFS TPF- 5(377), 2019
  • National Committee on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (NCUTCD), Friend, 2015-2022

To start a conversation with Troy, feel free to call us at (979) 693-5800, or send an email to